Club Policies


Eastern Sirens Synchronized Swimming Club is an incorporated non-profit organisation.

By registering with Eastern Sirens Synchronized Swimming Club, the athlete (and parent/guardian if athlete is under 18 years) agree to abide by:

  • Eastern Sirens Synchronized Swimming Club policies and procedures
  • Eastern Sirens Synchronized Swimming Club codes of conduct
  • Artistic Swimming Australia policies and procedures, includes the National Integrity Framework

The Committee may update club policies before each term. It is your responsibility to read all club policies prior to each term. 

Club Financial Policy

Eastern Sirens is committed to providing quality artistic swimming programs. It is essential for Eastern Sirens to maintain a stable financial foundation to support our programs, equipment, and coaching team.

We appreciate the ongoing support and commitment from our members. As a non-profit organisation, a large portion of Eastern Sirens’ income relies upon membership and the collection of both training and registration fees in a timely manner.

Policy coverage

This policy applies to all Eastern Sirens members (swimmers/coaches/volunteers) and/or their parents/guardians (associated parties) that participate in activities provided by Eastern Sirens Synchronized Swimming Club Inc.

The term fees for our programs are designed to cover a comprehensive range of services and resources aimed at delivering enjoyable synchronised swimming training. Term fees serve to reserve a place for a swimmer in each class. Credits or refunds are not provided to swimmers for absences except in the specific circumstances outlined below.

Term fees contribute towards admin tasks, class planning, coaching, routine choreography, equipment, pool hire, training facilities and resources.

Registration description 

All swimmers, coaches and volunteers must be financial members of Artistic Swimming Australia and Victoria. Registration fee payment is due when joining the sport or at the start of every financial year.

Only registered members that are covered by Artistic Swimming Australia and Victoria insurance policy may participate in synchronised swimming training and competition.

Fees description 

The Eastern Sirens program at Aquanation operates on a term basis following the Victorian state school terms.

Term fees are calculated on an hourly basis:

  • Term Fee = Cost per hour (differs based on number of classes per week and age group) x number of hours during term.

Other additional fees and charges that may be incurred include, but are not limited to, competition registration/entry fees (non-refundable and payable at the time of nomination to attend a competition), competition coaching fees, coach card preparation, Eastern Sirens uniform (non-refundable and payable at the time of ordering) and holiday/extra training (non-refundable).

Holiday/extra training may be offered at a higher rate than term fees to be financially viable. Estimated costs for additional expenses are communicated to families prior to distribution of invoices.

Absences during term

Note that absences during the term will not attract a credit unless:

  • for medical reasons that require an absence from training three weeks or longer. A medical certificate is required. If approved, you will receive a credit for the missed classes.
  • for exceptional circumstances that require an absence from training four weeks or longer. A term fee change request form is required to be completed and approved by the Committee. If approved, you will receive a credit for 50% of the missed classes. The term fee change request form must be sent to the Committee at least 3 weeks before the beginning of term the absence applies to.

Make up classes are encouraged where possible within the same term.

Note - the above does not apply to competition figure and routine training fees. The extra fee for competition figure and routine training is non-refundable and make up classes will only be possible in exceptional circumstances, provided that the club does not incur additional costs, and pending advance notice (whenever possible), coach availability, pool space availability and the agreement of other swimmer/s that may need to share the training time slot (if applicable). 

Resigning from the club mid-term

If an athlete resigns from the club mid-term and there is more than four weeks left of term, a term fee change request form is required to be completed and approved by the Committee. If approved, you will receive a refund for 50% of the missed classes.

Class cancelled

If a class is cancelled due to pool or coach availability, you will receive a credit for the class.

Class suspended mid-way

If a class is suspended mid-way due to an incident at the pool, you will not receive a credit for the class. Coaches will supervise athletes until the end of their class time. If there is more than thirty minutes until the class ends, and it is unlikely that the class will resume, coaches will endeavor to contact parents/guardians to arrange early pick up.

Starting mid-term

When a new athlete starts part way through the term, they will be charged on a pro rata basis. The club treasurer will arrange invoicing and payment. A new athlete is an athlete who has not trained with the club in the past two years.

Family members

Each additional family member gets 10% off their term fees.

Privates and independent pool bookings at Aquanation

Privates will be arranged by the club and the athlete will be invoiced by the club treasurer.

The club must be made aware of the intention of an athlete to book Aquanation for an independent booking. Eastern Sirens club equipment is not permitted to be used during independent bookings.

Competition swimmer fees description 

Expenses as a competition swimmer include, but are not limited to: 

  • Registration fees
  • Training fees
  • Competition routine fees
  • Coach card costs
  • Competition coaching fees
  • Holiday/extra training fees
  • Competition entry fees
  • Eastern Sirens uniform
  • Competition bathers and headpieces
  • Travel and accommodation

Payment process

All invoices (e.g. term fees, uniform, competition entry) must be paid within 14 days of the invoice being sent by the club treasurer.

If any fees are outstanding after 14 days, the athlete will not be permitted to join training or competitions.

  1. Written Reminder: In the first instance of late or overdue payment, a written reminder may be given that fees are outstanding (14 days), requesting immediate payment.
  2. Debt Collection Process: If the outstanding fees remain unpaid beyond 60 days, the account may be referred to our debt collection agency for further action. This may include additional fees and could have implications for your credit rating.

During the period in which fees are outstanding, swimmers will not be allowed to participate in training or competitions.

Eastern Sirens will provide as many means of payment as are practical and financially viable to assist members to make prompt payment. These may include, direct deposit, cheque and cash. We understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise, and we are here to support our members through open communication and flexible payment options. Any member may arrange a payment plan where they commit in writing to a number of smaller payments over a reasonable period of time. If you are experiencing difficulties or have any concerns regarding your payment, please contact the club treasurer as soon as possible to discuss a suitable arrangement.

Club Transfer

Participants wishing to transfer clubs during the season must provide notice in writing to Eastern Sirens. The transfer will be completed upon financial clearance of any outstanding payments at Eastern Sirens.

Members wishing to register with Eastern Sirens who have previously registered with another club must provide a financial clearance statement from their previous club prior to registering and participating in programs with Eastern Sirens.

Committee Procedures

The Eastern Sirens Club Committee will ensure:

  • A suitably qualified person is recruited to the role of Treasurer
  • A suitable Club’s Account System is available to the Club Treasurer in order that accurate records of all club finances are kept.
  • That the club has effective financial control systems so that money cannot be misappropriated.
  • An approved budget for the year is determined and that expenditure is within budget and regularly reviewed.
  • Sufficient income is available to meet the budget requirements.
  • All funding agreements and contracts are adhered to and acquitted as required.
  • Monthly financial reports are produced and presented at each Committee Meeting.
  • All legal and taxation requirements are attended to and delivered on time.
  • A suitably qualified auditor is appointed if required.
  • The annual financial report as presented at the Annual General Meeting accurately reflects the finances for the year.
  • Grant expenditure will be recorded in the Club’s Account System and used to create acquittal reports.


As much as possible, fees and payments from members should be direct deposited into the Eastern Sirens' bank account.

  • All income received by the club must be receipted and fully recorded within the Club’s Account System.
  • Members who pay by cash must be issued with a paper receipt (unless during an event).
  • During events which generate large amounts of cash, cash should be continually cleared from the cash tins and stored in a secure location.
  • Where possible, cash should always be counted with two people present and records kept of amounts collected.
  • Cash income should be banked (after being counted and recorded) within 2 working days to the Club’s Bendigo Bank Account.
  • A petty cash system will be established to record petty cash transactions and regularly Reconciled.
  • The Square should only be used for fundraising events when other options are not available and returned to the club treasurer at the conclusion of the event.


  • All payments must be supported by evidence such as a Tax Invoice or relevant documentation.
  • Only payments which have been approved by the club committee should be paid.
  • Where possible, all payments will be made via EFT payment directly from the club bank account or by cheque.
  • All payments must be approved by a minimum of two people. The club’s Bendigo Bank account requires that two club approved signatories must approve all online EFT payments and two approved signatories are required to sign any club cheque or cash withdrawal.
  • All payments and expenses should be recorded accurately in the Club’s accounting system.
  • If a club member requests reimbursement for club expenses while having outstanding fees, the club treasurer will first reconcile against the outstanding amount. Any remaining difference will be paid to the club member.


  • The Club’s Account System should be reconciled to the Club’s bank account on a monthly basis.
  • All events/activities should be reconciled and ensure all income and expenses are recorded accurately and balance to the Club’s Account System.


  • A budget is to be prepared each year and approved by the Eastern Sirens Committee.
  • The club will ensure that expenditure is kept within budget where possible.
  • Any variances to the budget should be explained to the Eastern Sirens Committee at each meeting and major expenditure over budget must be approved by the Eastern Sirens Committee.
  • Applications for grants, sponsorships or funding must be approved prior by the Eastern Sirens Committee.


  • The club Square EFTPOS equipment will be kept secured at all times by the club treasurer.
  • No records are to be kept of any credit or debit card details.
  • The club’s Accounting System must be backed up regularly.
  • All accounts records are to be kept up to date and available for inspection by the Eastern Sirens Committee and club members.

Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy

Role of the Committee

The Committee has the role of making sure Eastern Sirens Synchronized Swimming Club Inc. prioritises children’s safety and that action is taken when anyone raises concerns about children’s safety.

Report a child safety concern

We encourage anyone involved with the organisation to report a child safety concern.

Everyone at Eastern Sirens Synchronized Swimming Club has a role in identifying and managing risks of child abuse and harm. 

All reports of child abuse and child safety concerns will be treated seriously, whether they are made by an adult or a child and whether they are about the conduct of an adult or a child. All complaints and child safety concerns will be responded to promptly and thoroughly by the Committee.

If there is concern for the immediate safety of a child, immediately call 000.

Children’s empowerment and participation

We do not tolerate bullying, discrimination, or abusive behaviour between children. If identified, this must be reported to the Committee and disciplinary action will be taken.

We respect the rights of children at Eastern Sirens Synchronized Swimming Club. Programs are made suitable for different age groups (8+) and support the diversity of children.

Families and communities

Eastern Sirens Synchronized Swimming Club recognises the important role of families and involves parents/guardians when making significant decisions about their child.

Parents/guardians are welcome to provide feedback at any time through an appropriate avenue of communication.


Eastern Sirens Synchronized Swimming Club takes the safety of your children seriously and we appreciate your partnership in applying these policies.

Eastern Sirens Synchronized Swimming Club follows Watch Around Water. Children 10 years and under must be supervised at all times by a parent/guardian (guardian must be aged at least 16).

Children 12 years and under should be dropped off and picked up from training and competitions by a parent/guardian.

Valuing diversity

We value diversity and equity for all children. To achieve this, we:

  • welcome and support participation of all children, including children with disability, children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, those who are unable to live at home, LGBTIQ children and Aboriginal children and their families
  • offer students and families through our enrolment forms the opportunity to provide information about themselves, including any specific needs to participate fully in our programs


Eastern Sirens Synchronized Swimming Club Inc. puts child safety and wellbeing at the centre of recruitment.

We require a Working with Children Check for coaches and the Committee and our Child Safe Code of Conduct must be signed prior to engaging in any work for the club. 

Supporting members

Eastern Sirens Synchronized Swimming Club Inc. is committed to ensuring that all members understand their responsibilities in relation to child safety. Breaches of the Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action including termination of a person’s involvement with the organisation.

Information sharing

Eastern Sirens Synchronized Swimming Club Inc. may share relevant information to promote the safety and wellbeing of children, where it is appropriate and in their best interests.  Eastern Sirens Synchronized Swimming Club Inc. will keep information about complaints confidential, except where it is necessary to share information to respond properly to a complaint or to prioritise child safety. We may also need to share information about incidents or complaints with external authorities to comply with the law or to prioritise safety.

Conduct and disciplinary policy

Step 1

Concern/complaint (not covered by the National Integrity Framework (NIF) or Sport Integrity Australia determines that the matter is best handled under non-NIF policy) submitted to Eastern Sirens Synchronized Swimming Club Inc.

Step 2

Complaint/information assessed by Eastern Sirens Synchronized Swimming Club Inc. 

Step 3

Investigation conducted (internal or external) by Eastern Sirens Synchronized Swimming Club Inc.

Step 4

If complaint is unsubstantiated – No further action

Step 5

If complaint is substantiated, Eastern Sirens Synchronized Swimming Club Inc. will:

  1. Undertake Provisional Action prior to Disciplinary Action
  2. Initiate Disciplinary Action; or 
  3. Refer to Artistic Swimming Australia 

Step 6

Disciplinary Action may result in:

  1. Warning 
  2. Breach Offer 
  3. ADR#

Step 7

If Breach Offer is disputed or ADR is unresolved, dispute may proceed to:

  1. National Sport Tribunal (NST) (from any level of sport with national level consent)
  2. Internal Tribunal

Step 8

If there is an appeal from the NST or Internal Tribunal, dispute may proceed to:

  1. NST Appeals Division
  2. Internal Appeals Tribunal (only from Internal Tribunal)

# ADR: Alternative Dispute Resolution refers to ways of resolving disputes without going to court, and might generally include mediation, conciliation, or case appraisal.

Review and appeals policy

Step 1

Concern/complaint (not covered by the National Integrity Framework (NIF) or Sport Integrity Australia determines that the matter is best handled under non-NIF policy) submitted to Eastern Sirens Synchronized Swimming Club Inc. or it is a matter initiated by the Eastern Sirens Synchronized Swimming Club Inc. itself

Step 2

Informal dispute resolution (between parties or assisted resolution)

Step 3

If unresolved, formal ADR through either:

  1. Internal/external mediation or conciliation 
  2. National Sport Tribunal (NST) mediation, conciliation or case appraisal

Step 4

If ADR is unresolved, dispute proceeds to:

  1. NST (from any level of sport with national level consent)
  2. Internal Tribunal

Step 5

If there is an appeal from the NST or Internal Tribunal, dispute may proceed to:

  1. NST Appeals Division
  2. Internal Appeals Tribunal (only from Internal Tribunal)

# ADR: Alternative Dispute Resolution refers to ways of resolving disputes without going to court, and might generally include mediation, conciliation, or case appraisal.

Personal grievance policy

Step 1

Informal dispute resolution between parties

Step 2

If unresolved, or not possible to be resolved, refer to Eastern Sirens Synchronized Swimming Club Inc. or, if it relates to them, to Artistic Swimming Australia 

Step 3

Refer for facilitated resolution through either

  1. Sport appointed independent third party
  2. If permitted, National Sport Tribunal mediation


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